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Trump Rally Washington, MI: DePerno, Karamo Electrify, Trump Shoutout to Dixon, Local Candidates

Nic Antaya, Special to The Detroit News

By Benj Spencer

April 4, 2022

Washington Township, Macomb Co., MI

There was no shortage of energy Saturday at Trump's rally promoting Matt Deperno for Michigan Attorney General and Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State. 15,000 - 30,000 patriots assembled waiting several hours in the cold to see our President speak encouragement, hope and action in to our Great Lakes State. Many never made it inside, but watched on jumbo screens as they shivered and cheered from outside.

How does a former President still galvanize the masses? He’s not even there to promote a Governor or a Senator, these are just AG and SOS candidates right?

No, these are not just any candidates.

Trump's AG & SOS Candidates

Nic Antaya, Special to The Detroit News

Matt DePerno is the lawyer in the Antrim County lawsuit who found that the voting machines mysteriously switched votes from Trump to Biden. Antrim blew it off as ‘human error’ so that similar machines used throughout the state would not be scrutinized.

Nic Antaya, Special to The Detroit News

Kristina Karamo volunteered at the TCF center in Wayne County where Republican poll challengers were kicked out and obstructed from performing their duties while thousands of ballots arrived in the middle of the night. She has traveled for over a year informing Republicans across the state of the election vulnerabilities and improprieties she has discovered. She’s a gifted, charismatic speaker and crowd favorite.

Kristina Karamo and Matt Deperno are endorsed, not only by President Donald Trump, but also by Muskegon GOP Executive Committee and MIGOP Leadership.

This, along with massive support from grassroots Republicans around the state shows a point of agreement between the party and grassroots that is pretty rare.

It demonstrates just how important delegates are for taking back Michigan from radical democrats and their enabling RINOs who fight tooth-and-nail to keep conservatives off the general election ballot.

Local Candidates

Nic Antaya, Special to The Detroit News

President Trump endorsed John Gibbs, who is running in the 3rd Congressional District (which because of redistricting now include Muskegon County's southern most municipalities, City of Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, Roosevelt Park, Norton Shores, Sullivan, Fruitport, and Ravenna). He is a graduate of both Stanford and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. John has worked in the tech industry, and under Dr. Ben Carson in HUD. Dr. Carson is the one who introduced John Gibbs to President Trump.

Mick Bricker, who is running for State Rep. Dist. 88 (which includes Norton Shores and North Ottawa County.

List of President Trump's Endorsements

Attorney General: Matt DePerno

Secretary of State: Kristina Karamo

US House: John Gibbs, Bill Huizenga, John James, Lisa McClain, John Moolenaar

State senate: Mike Detmer, Johnathan Lindsey

State House: Mick Bricker, Jacky Eubanks, Mike Hoadley, Matt Maddock, Angela Rigas, Jon Rocha, Kevin Rathbun, and Rachelle Smit

Shout-Out to Gubernatorial Candidate Tudor Dixon

With so many candidates vying to be governor, everyone was waiting to see if President Trump would finally endorse a gubernatorial candidate. The time apparently is not yet, but President Trump did only mention one candidate at the rally, giving an encouraging shout-out to businesswoman Tudor Dixon.

Fire for 2022

So where is all this energy coming from? It’s fueled by fury from the 2020 election shenanigans and desperate for hope and accountability. And the incompetence and malfeasance of the Biden Administration, the source of energy price spikes, accelerated inflation, planned invasion at our southern border, botched Afghanistan withdrawal, and pathetic foreign policy have all added fuel to our fire.

We aren’t going away, and this has Democrats afraid for the 2022 election season. But like President Trump said, We have to have our numbers so high that they cannot overcome it with cheating (paraphrase). Looking at Saturday‘s rally. We are right on track to achieve that.

The Power of Delegates

Nic Antaya, Special to The Detroit News

What's unusual about this rally is that it was mainly for candidates for the upcoming State Endorsement Convention, not for a general election or even a primary. These candidates can only be chosen by delegates who attend their County Conventions, who then get voted to goto MIGOP State Convention.

It demonstrates just how important delegates are for taking back Michigan from radical democrats and their enabling RINOs who fight tooth-and-nail to keep conservatives off the general election ballot.

But what affect does this delegate-centric rally have on the crowd who, for the most part, cannot vote for the candidates they see? Well, confusion mostly. Most Trump fans and Republican volunteers have no idea what a delegate is, what they do or how to become one. That’s where we as a party need to do a better job, so more people can become delegates and have a voice In the party.

Precinct Delegates: Backbone of the Republican Party

Precinct Delegates are the lowest level elected official on your ballot. But don’t let that fool you, delegates are very important. Each voting precinct elects a number of delegates to represent their area to the Republican Party. They are also point people for the community for information on what is going on in the party and politics in general.

Three times every two years all of the precinct delegates are called to a county-wide convention to vote.

The first convention is held after the primary election to determine who will go to state convention to vote for our state party’s nominees for president or governor.

The second convention is held after the November election to vote for the local county party leadership, their Executive Committee. They will elect a board and run the county party for the next two years.

The third convention is held to determine who will go to state convention to elect state party leadership.

The fourth convention is held only in gubernatorial election years, where we determine who will go to state convention to nominate state-wide candidates (like AG, SOS, Board of Ed, Supreme Court, University Regents). These candidates don’t go to the voters to decide in a primary. Only delegates who go to state convention have a vote. That is exactly what tonight was all about. Asking delegates to go to their county conventions and also go to their state conventions so they can vote for Kristina Karamo and Matt Deperno.

Due to extremely high turnout in the 2020 election, Muskegon nearly tripled it’s delegate allocation for 2022.

We have a lot of delegate seats to fill.

BONUS Content

Here is some footage of Mike Lindell, Perry Johnson, and Matt DePerno speaking back-to-back while the crowds were waiting to enter the rally venue. Enjoy!

Do These Endorsements Change Who You Support?

What did you think of the rally in Washington Township? Leave your comments below.


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