By Kathy Six
August 28, 2024

As a group of us attended the People's Convention in Detroit earlier this summer put on by TPUSA, we expected to have a great time and come back ablaze with enthusiasm and reenergized to hit the ground running. After all, most of the big voices of MAGA were there. In addition, the weekend was filled with breakout sessions on various topics for a personalized experience. We did, indeed come back with a great deal of alacrity.
What I didn't expect but found incredibly informative, was a clear pattern throughout the guest speakers. Schematics of similar strategies were interwoven throughout the weekend. From Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Kristi Noem, Donald Trump and so many others, the procedures to make the election too big to rig was transpicuous. How, you might be wondering. The democrats were surely good at cheating in 2020 so how do we get the numbers impossibly high this time? How do we beat the cheat? How do we get those unmotivated voters to vote? How do we get the undecided to decide? The following ideas were presented to us that anyone can do to help make the election "Too Big To Rig".

As stated in a previous article on this website, there are "brick wall" people. They are a waste of time and energy, and we simply don't have the time or energy to waste. Stop negotiating, proving, debating, explaining or anything else to a "never Trumper". We are to focus on the independents, low propensity voters and Trump voters. Leaving out that liberal group narrows our reach and makes it possible to have an effect on a larger populace of conservatives.
Trying to reach that populace begs the question, how do we go about such a task? Should we knock on doors, make phone calls, engage on social media, talk to strangers in public or hand out information in public approved places? Do we work at booths during events? There's so many choices and only one of you. You can't do it all. Don't be discouraged because everyone can do at least a little or perhaps more than they realize. Here are ways to engage without giving up your every waking minute, leaving yourself falling into bed in exhaustion.

Every where I go that I can, I wear Trump gear. This was one of the big take aways from the convention. Simple enough, right? Well, don't just wear it, engage. When someone says they like your hat, shirt, etc. do these three things....
Ask them if they're registered to vote. If they say yes, go to number 2. If they say no, be ready to hand them a register to vote paper or be willing to assist them to register online with their phone. The first is easier but there's no guarantee they'll follow through. It's also the least invasive and the person maintains their privacy. If you both have time and they don't mind, help them register right then and there via their phone.
Tell them to vote early. I know this goes against what we have believed about voting and the dishonest reasons early voting was brought to the forefront. The MAGA movement will agree, for the most part, that we don't like this early voting mess. However, the message was loud and clear from the convention. Play their game until they don't like the game being used against them. Not only should we vote early, but drop off that ballot just a couple of days before "game day". By doing so, you accomplish two things. First, the would-be cheaters have no idea how many votes they will have to override in a cheat until late on November 5th and they expect most drop off and mail in ballots will be liberal votes. What a surprise to open so many Republican ballots from drop boxes. I would imagine there will be plenty of liberals' jaws dropping about 3:00 PM in those counting rooms.
Tell them to tell other MAGA voters to do the same. You've now recruited others to carry on the same strategy. This increases the number of people engaged in election activity who ordinarily wouldn't otherwise participate.
Remember, when wearing MAGA gear, smile often, be kind, and show enthusiasm. We want to make the connection that MAGA people are nothing like how the media portrays us.

Everyone knows someone who has difficulty getting around, trouble making sense of technology, has car issues, has time constraints or simply doesn't know the where or how to get to the correct voting precinct. One might think that voting is important enough that people would find a way. Unfortunately, this just isn't true. People who struggle and lack the ardor and earnestness for political engagement are people who will not find a way through their obstacles. We can help by removing the obstacle. Do you have a relative who is frustrated with our latest White House regime? Do they also lack transportation? Offer a ride or to drop off their ballot. You can do this for anyone in your family or neighborhood. Suddenly, they will realize that their voice does indeed matter.

This one falls on parishioners as well as pastors. When Christians fail to show up at the polls, Christian voices and values are ignored. Contact your pastor and ask for a couple of minutes after the service to encourage attendees to vote. Not every pastor will allow you to do so. I tried and mine did not. He had a concern I would tell them who to vote for. In spite of my letting him know I would not, he was nervous about the idea with a church of over a thousand parishioners. I was surprised since growing up Catholic, we'd always been told to vote and even given pamphlets by the diocese of which candidates supported which issues. It seems the young priests have fallen into the same trap of so many other pastors in our country. Others failing to get the go ahead should not stop you from trying. There are over 180 churches in Muskegon alone! Imagine the impact we could have.
When you do ask your pastor, let them know you will not encourage one party over the other, you will simply remind them that they can vote and let their voices be heard or the government will do to the Christian population as they please. Be prepared with papers for registering to vote and perhaps maps of polling precincts.
Another easy way to control your time is by using 10xvotes online website. The site allows you to choose your area, choose people you know from the list and "claim" them. Find just ten people to start that would be easy for you to get in touch with and make contact. For example, I was able to choose family, neighbors and friends that would be quick and easy for me to speak to. I can go to their house, contact them on messenger, make a call, etc. It's a chew-able bite from thousands of people.

Not asking you to steer a boat, even though many of you might be quite good at captaining a boat. This is a bit larger of a commitment than some other strategies outlined but still doable. At the Trump/GOP office on Glade St., in Muskegon, you can get training to be a Trump Force Captain.
Once trained, you are provided with Trump signs and a list of homes that are Trump friendly. You will get access to an app called Campaign Sidekick. The app will provide you with names and addresses for your focus during the door knocking process. Granted, the home might have multiple people with different views, but at least one in that home is MAGA. You merely remind them to make sure they're registered, know their polling place and ask if they mind putting a Trump sign in their yard. How to do this properly is taught at a training every Tuesday evening. (For more information, contact Quinn Gabriele at 810-626-8898 or click here). The trainer, Quinn Gabriele, is even willing to do a training at a different time if Tuesday evening doesn't work for you. This is door knocking streamlined, and only requires a small amount of your time. You can avoid the "brick wall" people which saves you a lot of time and energy.

If you haven't already trained to work at the polls, this might be a good fit for you. As of my most recent check, they were still advertising in Michigan for poll election inspectors. It requires an online training that you can do when you're available. Being a poll inspector essentially means, you work with the voters on November 5th or count ballots before and up to November 5th. You might be responsible for checking ID's against the voter rolls, handing out ballots, or overseeing the machine that takes ballots. The beauty of being a poll inspector (worker), is that you see things close up and personal. You can see errors firsthand and intercede if a problem occurs. You will also make sure that all of the items when the polls are closed are handled properly. Things such as the USB drive, ballots, spoiled ballots, unused ballots, etc. all have proper places before being turned into the canvassers. The best part of this job is that you are paid. Don't get me wrong, it's a long grueling day, however, being paid is better than working hard for free.
You might be wondering about the over selection of workers in Detroit that are democrats and feel dejected. How can we beat that? Well, we did. A lawsuit was filed immediately after the problem was detected and they are now required to comply with the 50% rule on democrats and republicans. Don't take yourself out of the game because cheating was attempted, instead be there to call it out if it happens. Consider this, when giving a test as a teacher, I didn't sit back and wait at my desk. I moved around the room and looked for anomalies. I taught ten-year-olds and you'd think they wouldn't have the propensity to cheat, but trust me, some do and will if you turn your back.
Challengers and watchers are trained via the Muskegon GOP. Equally important to protect the election, challengers and watchers are vigilant throughout the counting of drop and mail in ballots and overseers of election day. Your job is to watch all parts of the voting process. You look for accurate ballot distribution and ID checks. You keep an eye out for people doing something contrary to polling rules such as workers assisting voters to complete ballots, people who leave the building with a ballot, or people engaged in political activity less than 100 feet from the building.
Helping in these ways are opportunities to catch serious issues, something that we didn't do well during the 2020 election. We are wiser and are more prepared for 2024 and you can help us fine tune the protection of the citizens' votes.

You are a representing all republicans and MAGA people whether you wish to be or not. It is difficult to avoid coming unglued when you hear a "never Trumper" repeat the vacuous talking points of the press. The temptation to correct them with real facts is like staring at chocolate ice cream cake and saying, "No, none for me, thanks" However, that's exactly what you must do. They are the brick walls and we will not engage. You must carry yourself with pride when wearing MAGA gear and not be a shrinking violet. If someone is rude about your signage, merely smile and walk away. People are watching what you do. While wearing your Trump hat, shirt, etc., be sure you're interacting amiably with people of all persuasions, and the lies the media spouts about MAGA people won't line up with the behavior they're seeing.
Don't be a social media pariah. Posting your opinion is fine. Provide facts, videos, etc. However, if someone attempts to engage you in an argument, don't bite. Feel free to provide accurate information or links, then leave it alone. Let others come to your aid. They will, I promise. I often post something knowing there will be some liberal who will try to engage. I simply let the republicans of my social friends provide the comeback lines. It's a beautiful thing to read a barrage of conservatives defend your point of view with facts and information that the liberals lack.
We all have to live together regardless of our political lean so it's important to remember, others are watching you. If you need to invest in a punching bag to relieve stress, feel free. In public, as the cliche goes, don't let them see you sweat, or more aptly, don't let your face expose your exasperation.
Now is the time to find those big or small ways to make this election the one that is too big to rig. Let's send a resounding message to Washington that we have plenty of fight left. As a retired teacher, I cannot help making an obvious analogy. When the teacher is watching, the cheaters sweat and question the risk to reward. Fewer will take the risk. When there are more adults in the classroom, cheating drops even further. When more honest test takers are added to the mix, the results are more accurate for the test group. We'd like this election to be an accurate account of the people's choice for their leader of the greatest country of the free world. That is our task, and we can do it together.

Kathy Six - A retired teacher with a Master’s Degree in Gifted and Talented Students. Community involved at her lifelong residence of Fruitport, Michigan and 2024 Schoool Board Candidate for Fruitport Public Schools. Married to her husband Scott for 42 years and has two married children and four grandchildren. Kathy loves to hunt, fish, playing softball, and reads everything and anything she can get her hands on.