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Recap: The "Fire Meijer" Event

By, Michelle Hazekamp

February 7, 2022

Gibbs vs. Meijer

Monday evening Dr. Ben Carson rallied forJohn Gibbs as he plans to challenge Peter Meijer in the upcoming 2022 election for the 3rd Congressional District, which will now be half of Muskegon County. The event was held at the Delta Plex in Grand Rapids and the house was packed with patriots from all over West Michigan, including many familiar faces from Muskegon. "Fire Meijer" is the goal, and John Gibbs may be the candidate that takes him down.

Local Celebrity Patriots

Many local patriot celebrities took to the stage such as Justin Barclay, acting as M.C. and Pastor's Phil and Bernadette Smith of Eternal Word Church in

Grand Rapids. Bernadette Smith gave a heart-felt invocation and her husband Phil spoke elaborately on the necessity of God in politics. He mentioned how often he hears people say that politics do not belong in religion and his response is this; "If you don't invite God into politics, your only other choice is the devil. Which one do you prefer?" With the atrocities that the left continues to impose upon us, the devil is evident that the devil has accepted an invitation into our political realm as we have fallen away from God as a nation.

Special Guest Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson was the highlight of the night as he gave insight as to why John Gibbs, 3rd Congressional District Candidate, is the true conservative we need to replace Peter Meijer. He listed Mr. Gibbs qualities such as his strong faith and Christian values, pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, accountability to do the right thing under pressure and being a true man of integrity. John Gibbs is also a personal friend of Dr. Carson as he worked for him for four years during the Trump administration in the Department of Urban Housing and Development while Dr. Carson was acting Secretary. Mr. Gibbs was also on the 1776 Commission working under President Trump. You can read more about John Gibbs here.

Conservative Solutions

Dr. Carson also elaborated on current issues relating to the evil that has infiltrated our government and the lefts agenda leading us into socialism Since leaving the White House, he has launched the American Cornerstone Institute; a non-profit think tank that promises to “champion conservative solutions to the real problems our nation faces.” He realizes that values such as “compromise, compassion, and civility” have vanished from our political discourse, and he is determined to restore them by way of finding solutions to real problems our nation faces. Dr. Carson has set forth to prove that solutions guided by the principles of faith, liberty, community, and life are effective, and will point our nation toward the common good.

Taking Out Peter Meijer

When the Biden administration took over, John Gibbs was planning on living a normal life outside of politics. After settling back home in West Michigan, Gibbs was approached and asked to run against Peter Meijer. He replied that he would pray and think about it, but made his decision when Peter Meijer voted for impeaching President Trump on January 13, 2021, Peter Meijer has quite the track record for voting against the values of the Republican Party platform he swore an oath to.

To Be the Land of the Free, We Must First Be Brave

As the primary focus of the evenings event was to introduce John Gibbs and gain support for his candidacy, the message consistently repeated was the desperate need to put God back into politics, as our Founding Fathers did. This great nation was formed because God was exalted above all things, and with out Him, nations fall. It is no secret our Founding Fathers put all their faith into God and relied solely on Him when accomplishing the impossible. We need leaders who hold true to Christian values and are brave enough to stand against evil and will refuse temptation in wrong doing. Evil wins when we do nothing. Psalm 1:1; Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seats of scoffers. To be the land of the free, we must first be brave.

John Gibbs campaign manager took the stage with a call for donations to the John Gibbs campaign, as Peter Meijer has the upper hand due to family wealth. The event came to an energetic close with the crowd chanting, "Fire Meijer!"

If you would like to make a donation to John Gibbs campaign, visit:

Get Involved!

As we enter into a busy campaign season, it is of the most vital importance that we ensure a Republican victory if we are to stop the socialist democratic agenda that overshadows us. We need all boots on the ground, so get involved in some way. Research candidates, do not vote for someone based on the familiarity of their name, or how long they have been in politics. We need to clean house and remove the trash that has consumed our political system and put God back in charge of this nation!

Genesis 12:2; And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.


Michelle Hazekamp is a Muskegon County business owner, Chair of the Communications Committee for the Muskegon GOP and a delegate. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a bachelor of Science and a minor in History.


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