By, Michelle Hazekamp
April 24,2022

Special Guest; Justin Barclay!
Thursday, April 21, the Muskegon County Republican GOP hosted their Annual Lincoln Day Dinner Fundraiser at Trillium Events with special guest, Justin Barclay from Wood Radio.
The Lincoln Day Dinner is the largest fundraiser of the year and where guests dress in business casual with elegant, yet patriotic displays of decor. It is a night of socializing with fellow patriots and candidates running for local and state elected offices, a great dinner, and a valuable prize table of items for the fundraiser. The highlight of the night is typically the guest speaker, and this year we were honored to have Justin Barclay.

Captivating Speech
Justin Barclay captivated the room. Not because he gave a good speech about politics, his career or family. He captivated us by bringing us back to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and brought to reality the term, "we have short memory's" or "we are quick to forget." And how quick we do forget, even major events. However, I lay the blame at the feet of the liberals who continuously bombard us with one chaotic event after another; the illusions that keep us distracted from their true agenda.
"2 Weeks to Stop the Spread"
Justin began reminiscing with the infamous, "2 weeks to stop the spread." A phrase I don't believe any of us can ever forget! He continued with commenting on the virtual schooling, (or the virtual failing of our kids education), the masks and the sheer panic of those who were completely sucked in to the lie. And he spoke of Whitmer's power grab at the end of April, 2020, when she took unconstitutional tyrannical control of the state.

Alcohol & Marijuana Deemed Essential
As Justin led us back to the past, he reminded us about that first rally in Lansing, where patriots rose from the comforts of life to participate in a car rally/protest in which Michigander's united for the first time to stand for freedom. And Whitmer's non-sensible rules prohibiting us from buying paint, gardening and landscaping equipment from big box stores, yet we could buy groceries. We could not hire landscapers or hire construction workers to work on our homes. We were not allowed critical medical care as our medical facilities shut down (with the exception of the hospitals) because only things deemed "essential" were permitted, such as alcohol and marijuana, Justin also reminded us how we were "allowed" to kayak or go canoeing, however, could not be in a motor boat. Remember when her husband tried to get his boat out early at their local marina?

Karma Strikes Back
During the summer of 2020, I happened to meet two employees of the marina where the Whitmer's stored their boat. We discussed in detail the stunt her husband attempted, and I was enthusiastically informed that the Whitmer's boat was moved to the bottom of the list, making them the very last to have their boat taken out of storage and the owners of the marina told them they would no longer service them and store their boat because they no longer wanted them as customers!
Irritating Propaganda
Justin continued his reminiscing and reminded us of the massive rise of the grassroots movement uniting for freedom. Petition drives, rallies all over the state including many in Lansing, the pushback against the lockdowns and the masks. The churches submitting to unconstitutional tyranny and the ill treatment most received by our favorite retail stores for refusing to be muzzled, The shock of the medical industry as we watched them not only submit, but also take part and promote the fear mongering. And the never ending commercials to remind us of the dangers of Covid and gathering in groups and to make sure we were wearing those oxygen reducing, ridiculous masks! Or the constant reminder to get tested. And the most memorable phrase of all, "We are all in this together!"

The Mamma Bear Movement & CRT
He went on with the time-line bringing us through the fight to get our kids back to in person school, the stolen election of 2020, the infamous January 6th and the extreme censorship from MSM and social media. The first round of the Covid shots were unleashed and the propaganda push to become guinea pigs in a worldwide experiment was underway as we sadly watched the Vaer's data roll out week by week all the reported deaths and injuries. As we moved further into 2021, we entered the "Mama Bear" era of the continued chaos, again, fighting for in-person learning for our kids, but with an emphasis on removing their masks which then resulted in the shocking discovery of CRT in almost every school. Considering this massive discovery, we realized Covid was a blessing in disguise.

Grassroots Hero's Stepping Up
Justin mentioned the grassroots hero's who rose up to run as candidates for elected offices all over the state, particularly the candidates for Michigan Governor, Ryan Kelley, Garret Saldono, candidate for Secretary of State, Kristina Karamo and candidate for Attorney General, Matt DePerno.
Grateful for the Many Blessings
This fight continues onward against a now very evident evil agenda instilled by the Liberals and Globalist. Their attacks are constantly changing as we discover more about this plan for world control that has been in the works for at least several decades. As Justin brought us down memory lane, I couldn't help but to feel pride in the many great patriots in this state (and patriots through out the world fighting this same battle) and how it has brought us together not only in friendship, but as a mighty weapon created for this time by our all mighty God! Another blessing brought on by Covid. Win or lose, I am grateful for all the the people I have met, the many friendships created out of this, and for all of those who have stepped up to defend the future of our children and this great nation that stands for freedom. God Works in Wonderful Ways!
If you have not read, "A Lantern in the Steeple," I suggest you do! You can read it by clicking here.

Michelle Hazekamp is a candidate for Muskegon County Commissioner, district 3 (Fruitport, Norton Shores and Sullivan Twp.) Michelle is a local business owner and Chairwoman of the Muskegon GOP Communications Committee, Secretary for the MIGOP 2nd Congressional District and a Precinct Delegate.