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Muskegon County Republican Party
Election Integrity

Do you think the 2020 election was secure and honest? There were many opportunities for impropriety, and elections do NOT secure themselves. THAT is our job.
Will you help us? Contact us below....
Election Volunteer Recruitment
Become an election worker to help secure the next election. There is a great need for Election Inspectors, Poll Challengers and Poll Watchers.
Election inspectors apply to your local clerk. We can help you through the process and get the online training.
Poll Challengers are trained by our GOP to watch election activities and help correct problems if they occur. We offer online training on our website. Click here for the training manuals.
Poll Watchers are important to monitor election activities and report back to the Muskegon GOP. Poll Watcher training is also available on our website by clicking here.
Training occurs several different ways. We will show you what you need to do and offer additional training to help you be effective.
Request information on how to be involved today.
Election Volunteer Recruitment

Let us serve you breakfast in appreciation for your dedication and servitude!
Mar 29, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Word of Hope Community Center,
268 N 3rd Ave, Fruitport, MI 49415, USA
Canvassing Teams
Canvassing Teams
Teams are being formed to verify voter information. This means that you can be a part of the effort to make every persons vote count!
Help make your vote count. Meet your fellow residents. There is a lot of work to do. This is one of the best ways to help secure our voting system. Make your vote count!
Volunteer to help verify that votes are counted as they should be counted.
Communications & Publicity
We will need to communicate with Clerks in the county and other elections related people, and the media at large.
We are in need of writers and people with skill to publish articles on this website and in social media, and edit this website for Elections Committee events and elections content.
Volunteer to get the word out in a professional fashion.
Communications & Publicity
Absentee Ballot Counting
Absentee Ballot Counting
We need to provide workers to verify that absentee ballots are counted according to the laws of the state.
Volunteer to watch / verify accurate AV ballot counting.
Data Analysis Team
Data Analysis Team
Do you love to crunch data? Then you are needed to find and analyze election data so we can make elections secure and honest.
Volunteer for this important work!
Election Auditing
Election Auditing
When necessary, the GOP will initiate audits of our County elections, and State wide elections (if needed) to ensure that the rules set by the Michigan Legislature has properly followed.
Volunteer to work on the audit Team.
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